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Serving the Shepherds


Committed to:

  • Integrity in the church

  • Caring for those who have been wounded in the church 

  • Equipping pastors and elders to lead the church well



Coach to Pastors

Dan coaches pastors, practicing Great Commandment coaching allowing the pastor to bring their whole self. Dan creates a safe space for pastors to talk about things they may not be able to talk about elsewhere. Dan’s vision is for pastors to be whole and healthy to serve well. 


Dan helps pastors, elders, boards, and leadership teams lead the church well, leveraging his 20+ years of ministry leadership -- small group leader, coach to small group leaders, coach to flock leaders, coach to coaches -- including 9 years as Assistant Director of Men’s Ministry and 10 years as an elder.


Ministry Experience


Dan served as an elder for 10 years serving the maximum two consecutive 3-year terms January 2010 through December 2015. Rejoined the board in December 2018. Brought back to the board for combination of candor and commitment. 


When charges of unbiblical behavior were brought against the senior pastor by 6 witnesses, Dan led the push for elders to fulfill their ministry and consider whether the then senior pastor met the biblical qualifications of an elder and whether his employment should be terminated. After the former senior pastor was fired for cause, Dan was chosen to serve on the new smaller elder board and lead the church through change. 


Dan was the first church leader to repent publicly (Statement of Repentance). When it became evident the system was not going to change, Dan resigned from the board calling for reform (Resignation and Call for Reform).


Assistant Director of Men’s Ministry

Dan served as Assistant Director of Men’s Ministry, a volunteer position, for 9+ years collaborating with the Men’s Ministry Pastor planning and leading men's ministry. Identified, developed, trained, and cared for leaders. Together developed a stable of servant leaders and leaders of leaders. 


Small Group Leader/Coach

Dan has led discipleship small groups for 20+ years. He served as a coach to small group leaders, then coach to coaches both in men’s ministry and, with his wife, Kim, in couples ministry. Dan and Kim have a passion for investing in young couples in marriage small groups and developing leaders.

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